import Stevens from 'VCL-Web-Framework/scripts/experiments/stevens/stevens.js'
Constructor Summary
Public Constructor | ||
public |
constructor(params: *) Initializes a Stevens experiment object. |
Member Summary
Public Members | ||
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
graph_type: * |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
sub_condition_order: *[] |
public |
public |
subject_id: * |
public |
public |
public |
Method Summary
Public Methods | ||
public |
Calculates exclusion criteria using standard deviation and variance. |
public |
Resets all relevant variables to now use the test version. |
public |
Determines whether the round can end or not. |
public |
Determines whether the current sub condition can end or not. |
public |
When called, will save aggregated trial data into a CSV. |
public |
When called, will save individual trial data into a CSV. |
public |
generate_distractor_coordinates(constants: object) Will generate the distractor coordinates and save them to the instance. |
public |
generate_trial(type: *): * Generates a Stevens object for use in the JsPsych timeline. |
public |
get_anchoring_value(estimated_mids: *): * Calculates the anchoring value for the specified subcondition. |
public |
get_estimated_mids(subcondition_data: *): * Retrieves the estimated midpoints of each trial for the subcondition. |
public |
get_last_trial(trial: *): * Retrieves the last stevens trial depending on block_type for a given sub condition index. |
public |
get_standard_deviation(estimated_mids: *): * Calculates the standard deviation for the specified subcondition. |
public |
handle_data_saving(trial: *) Handles saving the relevant data on a given trial. |
public |
prepare_experiment(balancing_type: *) Orders the input data according to balancing type and initializes the Stevens object's variables. |
public |
prepare_practice(dataset: *) Creates the practice dataset by taking the first FOUR subconditions. |
public |
set_foundational_dataset_order(dataset: *) Sets the subcondition order for foundational range. |
public |
update_estimated_correlation(trial: *): * Updates the estimated correlation. |
Public Constructors
public constructor(params: *) source
Initializes a Stevens experiment object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
params | * | {assoc array} Parameters passed from routing. |
Public Members
public PIXELS_PER_CM: * source
public adjusted_midpoint_matrix: {} source
public balancing_type: * source
public condition_group: * source
public condition_name: * source
public experiment_conditions_constants: * source
public graph_type: * source
public input_count_array: * source
public practice_trial_data: {} source
public raw_constants: * source
public sub_condition_order: *[] source
public sub_conditions_constants: * source
public subject_id: * source
public subject_initials: * source
public trial_structure: * source
Public Methods
public calculate_exclusion_criteria(): * source
Calculates exclusion criteria using standard deviation and variance. Subcondition is flagged if:
- Standard deviation > 0.2
- Anchoring > 0.6
@ return HTML of subcondition data to print onto screen
* |
public end_practice_experiment() source
Resets all relevant variables to now use the test version. (input_count_array, sub_conditions_constants, and current_sub_condition_index are shared variables between the practice and test trials).
This function is called once all the practice trials have run.
public end_round(): boolean source
Determines whether the round can end or not. A round can end ONLY if there has been at least 1 input from the user on the given round
public end_sub_condition(): boolean source
Determines whether the current sub condition can end or not.
public generate_distractor_coordinates(constants: object) source
Will generate the distractor coordinates and save them to the instance.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
constants | object | (for the given trial) |
public generate_trial(type: *): * source
Generates a Stevens object for use in the JsPsych timeline.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
type | * | {string} "test" or "practice" |
* | trial {object} |
public get_anchoring_value(estimated_mids: *): * source
Calculates the anchoring value for the specified subcondition. @ param {array} array of estimated mids for that trial
@ return {double} anchoring value
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
estimated_mids | * |
* |
public get_estimated_mids(subcondition_data: *): * source
Retrieves the estimated midpoints of each trial for the subcondition.
@ return {array} of estimated mids
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
subcondition_data | * |
* |
public get_last_trial(trial: *): * source
Retrieves the last stevens trial depending on block_type for a given sub condition index. If this is the first trial of a given block_type, returns null.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
trial | * | {object} |
* | last_stevens_trial {object} |
public get_standard_deviation(estimated_mids: *): * source
Calculates the standard deviation for the specified subcondition. @ param {array} array of estimated mids for that trial
@ return {double} standard deviation
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
estimated_mids | * |
* |
public handle_data_saving(trial: *) source
Handles saving the relevant data on a given trial.
For reference, these are the helper variables created to assist in trial logic (i.e not present in excel)
this.trial_variables =
{type: 'stevens',
run_type: '',
left_correlation: '',
right_correlation: '',
round_refreshes: 0, // Number of times there is a refresh for a given round
high_ref_is_right: false
start_ref: ''
These are variables created WITHIN the trial logic that were not present in excel (but need to be
outputted to results).
this.export_variables =
{trial_num: 0, // Round index trial is currently on (aka trial_num from excel)
sub_condition: '', // Chronological ordering of sub_condition [1, 2, 3 ... ]
balanced_sub_condition: '', // Index of sub_condition according to balancing order
estimated_mid: '',
num_adjustments: 0, // Number of inputs for a given round (aka num_adjustments from excel)
trials_per_round: '',
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
trial | * | {object} block_type {string} "test" or "practice" constants {assoc array} estimated_correlation {double} last_stevens_trial {object} index {integer} |
public prepare_experiment(balancing_type: *) source
Orders the input data according to balancing type and initializes the Stevens object's variables.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
balancing_type | * | {string} Type of balancing. Currently only latin_square is supported. dataset {[{assoc array}, {assoc array}, ... ]} The data to be ordered. |
public prepare_practice(dataset: *) source
Creates the practice dataset by taking the first FOUR subconditions.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dataset | * | {[{assoc array}, {assoc array}, ... ]} The data to be ordered. |
public set_foundational_dataset_order(dataset: *) source
Sets the subcondition order for foundational range. Needs to balance INDIVIDUALLY the round and test type conditions, then maintain that order (e.g. all test goes first, then consistency)
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dataset | * | {[{assoc array}, {assoc array}, ... ]} The data used to be ordered. |
public update_estimated_correlation(trial: *): * source
Updates the estimated correlation. If : Is the first trial, will initialize the correlation and step size. Else: If there was a key press in previous trial, will calculate the the estimated correlation (depending on whether it was an inc or dec). Else if no key press in previous trial, will set estimated correlation to the previous trial's.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
trial | * | {object} |
* | estimated_correlation {double} |