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import {plot_scatter_points} from "/scripts/experiment-properties/graphing/d3-base-plots/scatter_plot.js";
export {create_distractor_scatter_plot};

var BUFFER = 60;

 * D3 code for setting up scatter plot chart area with distractor dataset (so two-populations per graph)
 * @param {object}   attributes
function create_distractor_scatter_plot(attributes) {
    let target_dataset = attributes["target"]["dataset"];
    console.log("target_dataset:  " + JSON.stringify(target_dataset));
    let target_properties = attributes["target"]["graph_attributes"];
    console.log("target_properties:  " + JSON.stringify(target_properties));

    let distractor_dataset = attributes["distractor"]["dataset"];
    console.log("distractor_dataset:  " + JSON.stringify(distractor_dataset));
    let distractor_properties = attributes["distractor"]["graph_attributes"];
    console.log("distractor_properties:  " + JSON.stringify(distractor_properties));

    // Size of the graph
    var window_height_multiplier = 0.65;
    var window_width_multiplier = 0.5;

    if (target_properties.alternate_scaling) {
      BUFFER = 150;
      window_height_multiplier = 1.15;
      window_width_multiplier = .75;
    let height = window.innerHeight * window_height_multiplier;
    let width = height * window_width_multiplier;

    // Create scales:
    // ** D3 creates a function that takes in input between [0, 100] and 
    //    outputs between [0, width].
    //    Basically, domain = input, range = ouput. 
    let xscale = d3.scaleLinear()
                   .domain([0, 1]) 
                   .range([0, width - RANGE_ADJUSTMENT]); 

    let yscale = d3.scaleLinear()
                   .domain([0, 1])
                   .range([height/2, 0 + RANGE_ADJUSTMENT]);

    if (target_properties.alternate_scaling) {
        // Numerosity experiments do not scale the distribution
        // coordinates down to the range of [0,1] so the
        // call to .domain() in the scaleLinear() method is needed
        // scale the domain down into the appropriate range
        var x_max = target_properties.row;
        var y_max = target_properties.col;

        xscale = d3.scaleLinear()
                      .domain([0, x_max]) 
                      .range([0, width - RANGE_ADJUSTMENT]); 
        yscale = d3.scaleLinear()
                      .domain([0, y_max])
                      .range([height/2, 0 + RANGE_ADJUSTMENT]);

    // Create axes: 
    let x_axis = d3.axisBottom()

    let y_axis = d3.axisLeft()

    // Append SVG into graph div
    let chart = d3.select("#graph")
                    .attr("width", width + BUFFER)
                    .attr("height", height)
                    .attr("style", `margin-right: ${width/2}; margin-top: 25vh; margin-left: ${BUFFER}`);
    // Creating transform SVG elements + append to SVG: 
    let yAxisElements = chart.append("g")
                             .attr("transform", "translate(50, 10)")

    let xAxisTranslate = height/2 + 10;

    let xAxisElements = chart.append("g")
                              .attr("transform", "translate(50, " + xAxisTranslate  +")")

    // If dist point color is WHITE, only plot the targets 
    if (distractor_properties["point_color"] === "WHITE") {
      plot_scatter_points(chart, xscale, yscale, target_dataset, target_properties);        
    else {

      let larger_data;
      let smaller_data;

      // Handle if the number of points between distractor & target are unequal
      if (attributes["target"]["dataset"].length > attributes["distractor"]["dataset"].length) {
        larger_data = attributes["target"];
        smaller_data = attributes["distractor"];
      } else {
        larger_data = attributes["distractor"];
        smaller_data = attributes["target"];

      // Alternate plotting of distractor and main dataset points - want equal chance of one
      // getting occluded over the other
      for (let j in larger_data["dataset"]) {

        if ( j < smaller_data["dataset"].length){
          let small_point = smaller_data["dataset"][j];
          plot_scatter_points(chart, xscale, yscale, [small_point], smaller_data["graph_attributes"]);

        let large_point = larger_data["dataset"][j];
        plot_scatter_points(chart, xscale, yscale, [large_point], larger_data["graph_attributes"]);  

    // Set axis color
         .attr("stroke", target_properties["axis_color"]);

    // Remove tick labels
