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// import {generateDistribution} from "/scripts/generators/gaussian_distribution_generator.js";
import {balance_subconditions} from "/scripts/experiment-properties/balancing/balancing_controller.js";
import {get_data, 
        get_data_subset} from "/scripts/experiment-properties/data/data_controller.js";
import {randomize_position,
        force_greater_right_position} from "/scripts/helpers/experiment_helpers.js";

export default class JND_Radius {

   * Initializes a JND_Radius experiment object. 
   * @param  params {assoc array}  Parameters passed from routing.
  constructor(params) {

    let trial_structure = params["trial_structure"];
    let condition_name = params["condition"];
    let graph_type = params["graph_type"];
    let balancing_type = params["balancing"];
    let conversion_factor = params["conversion_factor"];

    this.condition_name = condition_name; 
    this.subject_id = params["subject_id"];
    this.subject_initials = params["subject_initials"];

    // ========================================

    // **NOTE: EXPERIMENTS variable comes from /public/config/experiments-config.js
    if (!EXPERIMENTS["jnd_radius"]["trial_structure"].includes(trial_structure)) {
      throw Error(trial_structure + " is not supported.");}
    else {
      this.trial_structure = trial_structure;

    if (!EXPERIMENTS["jnd_radius"]["graph_type"].includes(graph_type)){
      throw Error(graph_type + " is not supported.")} 
    else { 
      this.graph_type = graph_type;

    if (!EXPERIMENTS["jnd_radius"]["balancing_type"].includes(balancing_type)) {
      throw Error(balancing_type + " is not supported.") }
    else {
      this.balancing_type = balancing_type;

    // ========================================

    this.PIXELS_PER_CM = conversion_factor;
    this.MIN_RADIUS = 2;
    this.MAX_RADIUS = 6;
    this.MIN_TRIALS = 24;
    this.MAX_TRIALS = 52;
    this.WINDOW_SIZE = 24;
    this.WINDOW_INTERVAL = 3;

    // ========================================


    // ========================================

    this.first_trial_of_sub_condition = true;
    this.adjusted_quantity_matrix = {};   // The matrix is in this format:
                                          // { sub_condition_index : [adjusted_quantity1, adjusted_quantity2 ... ] }

    // ========================================

    // Plotting-related vars
    this.left_radius = "";
    this.right_radius = "";

    // JsPsych trial_data for the current trial
    this.trial_data = "";

    // ========================================

    // Extract raw constants
    this.raw_constants = get_data(this);

    // Prepare experiment

   * Orders the input data according to balancing type and
   * initializes the JND object's variables.  
   * @param  balancing_type {string}                             Type of balancing. Currently only latin_square
   *                                                             is supported.
   *         data_set {[{assoc array}, {assoc array}, ... ]}     The data to be ordered. 
   *         practice_set {[{assoc array}, {assoc array}, ... ]} The practice data. 
  prepare_experiment() {

    let dataset = this.raw_constants;

    this.sub_condition_order = balance_subconditions(this.balancing_type, this.constructor.name.toLowerCase(), dataset.length);

    var ordered_data_set = [];

    // Order the data set according to the latin square
    // Initialize adjusted_quantity_matrix size 
    for (let i=0; i < this.sub_condition_order.length; i++){
      ordered_data_set[i] = dataset[this.sub_condition_order[i]];
      this.adjusted_quantity_matrix[i] = [];

    // Set experiment trials 
    this.sub_conditions_constants = ordered_data_set;
    this.current_sub_condition_index = 0; 


   * Generates a JND trial object for use in the JsPsych timeline.
   * @param  type {string}             "test" or "practice"
   * @return trial {object}
  generate_trial(block_type) {

    if ((block_type !== "test") && (block_type !== "practice")) {throw Error(block_type + " is not supported.")};

    // Initialize a variable for this so it is usable inside on_start
    var jnd_radius_exp = this; 
    var address = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + ":" + location.port + "/jnd_radius_trial"; 

    var trial = {
      url: address,
      choices:['z', 'm', 'q'], //q is exit button (for debugging)
      execute_script: true,
      response_ends_trial: true,
      on_start: function(trial){ // NOTE: on_start takes in trial var 

        // Set the constants to be used:
        if (block_type == "test"){ 
          var index = jnd_radius_exp.current_sub_condition_index; 
          var constants = jnd_radius_exp.sub_conditions_constants[index];
        else { 
          var index = jnd_radius_exp.current_practice_condition_index; 
          var constants = jnd_radius_exp.practice_conditions_constants[index];

        // Calculate adjusted radius
        var adjusted_radius = jnd_radius_exp.calculate_adjusted_radius(constants);

        // Handling saving this trial's data: 
        jnd_radius_exp.handle_data_saving(trial, block_type, constants, index, adjusted_radius);

        // Randomize position of the base and adjusted graphs
        var result = randomize_radius_position(trial, constants.base_radius, adjusted_radius);

        // Randomize position of the shapes
        let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(2));
        let shape1 = constants.shapes[0];
        let shape2 = constants.shapes[1];

        trial.data.shapes = random <= 0.5 ? [shape1, shape2] : [shape2, shape1];

        // // For testing purposes, can force R graph to have greater correlation
        // var result = force_greater_right_position(trial,
        //                                           base_coordinates,
        //                                           adjusted_coordinates,
        //                                           constants.base_correlation,
        //                                           adjusted_correlation);

        jnd_radius_exp.left_radius = result.left;
        jnd_radius_exp.right_radius = result.right;
        jnd_radius_exp.trial_data = trial.data; 

        let left_radius_conv = result.left * jnd_radius_exp.PIXELS_PER_CM;
        let right_radius_conv = result.right * jnd_radius_exp.PIXELS_PER_CM;
        jnd_radius_exp.radii = [left_radius_conv, right_radius_conv];

        console.log("[RIGHT] Radius: " + trial.data.right_radius);
        console.log("[LEFT] Radius: " + trial.data.left_radius);
      on_finish: function(data){ // NOTE: on_finish takes in data var 
        console.log("RESPONSE: " + data.correct);

    return trial; 

   * Handles saving the relevant data on a given trial.
   * For reference, these are the helper variables created to assist in trial logic (i.e not present in excel)
   * trial_variables =         
   *       {type: 'jnd',
   *       run_type: '',
   *       left_radius: '',
   *       right_radius: '',
   *       };
   * These are variables created WITHIN the trial logic that were not present in excel (but need to be
   * outputted to results).     
   * export_variables = 
   *       {sub_condition: '',           // Chronological ordering of sub_condition [1, 2, 3 ... ]
   *        balanced_sub_condition: '',  // Index of sub_condition according to balancing order
   *        jnd: '',
   *        base_radius: '',
   *        adjusted_radius: '',
   *        correct: '',
   *       };
   * @param trial {object}
   *        block_type {string}           "test" or "practice"
   *        constants {assoc array}
   *        index {integer}
   *        adjusted_correlation {double}
  handle_data_saving(trial, block_type, constants, index, adjusted_radius) {

    // Add all constants from excel
    trial.data = constants;

    // Adding constants that required computation (not from excel)
    trial.data.type = "jnd";
    trial.data.adjusted_radius = adjusted_radius;
    trial.data.jnd = Math.abs(adjusted_radius - constants.base_radius);
    trial.data.sub_condition = index; 
    trial.data.balanced_sub_condition = this.sub_condition_order[index];

    // Block specific saves 
    if (block_type == "test"){
      trial.data.run_type = "test";
      trial.data.run_type = "practice";

   * Determines whether the current sub condition can end or not.
   * @return {boolean}            True if sub condition should end.
  end_sub_condition() {

    if (this.adjusted_quantity_matrix[this.current_sub_condition_index].length == this.MAX_TRIALS ||
      return true;
    else {
      return false;

   * Determines whether current subcondition has converged or not.
   * @return {boolean}            True if converged.
  is_converged_in_window() {
    var converged = false;
    var num_completed_trials = this.adjusted_quantity_matrix[this.current_sub_condition_index].length;

    // Check if we have completed the minimum number of trials
    // and if the number of completed trials is greater than the window size
    if (num_completed_trials >= this.MIN_TRIALS && num_completed_trials >= this.WINDOW_SIZE) {

      // 2D Matrix of windows of adjusted quantities
      var adjusted_quantity_windows = [];

      // The index of the last trial
      var last_trial = num_completed_trials - 1;

      // Compute the interval size and remainder
      // The remainder is computed in case the window size isn't divisible by the # intervals
      var interval_size = this.WINDOW_SIZE / this.WINDOW_INTERVAL;
      var interval_remainder = this.WINDOW_SIZE % this.WINDOW_INTERVAL;

      // This is the first trial in the window
      // For example:
      // numCompletedTrials = 5
      // windowSize = 3
      // [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]
      // windowStart would be at index: 5 - 3 = 2
      var window_start = num_completed_trials - this.WINDOW_SIZE;
      console.log("num completed: " + num_completed_trials);
      console.log("window start: " + window_start);

      // Iterate over all of the trials from the start of the window to the last trial
      // and organize them into the 2D adjustedQuantityWindows matrix
      while (window_start < last_trial) {

        // While we have extra elements that don't fit into an interval
        // add one extra to each window interval
        var current_interval_size = interval_remainder > 0 ? interval_size + 1 : interval_size;
        if (interval_remainder > 0) {

        // Collect the adjusted quantity values from the trials into the double[]
        var adjusted_quantities = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < current_interval_size; ++i) {
          var adjusted_quantity = this.adjusted_quantity_matrix[this.current_sub_condition_index][i + window_start];

        // Set the window start to the next interval
        window_start += current_interval_size;


      var variance = [];
      var mean = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < adjusted_quantity_windows.length; i++){

      var mean_of_variances = math.mean(variance);
      var variance_of_means = math.var(mean);
      var F = variance_of_means/mean_of_variances;
      console.log("F: " + F);
      // Convergence if the F value is < 1 - convergenceThreshold
      // if the F is greater than 0.25, then converge 
      converged = F < (1 - this.CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD);

    if (converged) {console.log("CONVERGED!!!!")};

    return converged;


   * Calculates the adjusted radius depending on whether this is the
   * first trial of the sub condition or not.
   * @param  constants {assoc array}
   * @return adjusted_radius {double}          
  calculate_adjusted_radius(constants) {

    // For the first trial, we need to initialize the adjusted correlation:
    if (this.first_trial_of_sub_condition){
      var adjusted_radius = this
      // Set flag to false
      this.first_trial_of_sub_condition = false;
      var last_JND_trial = jsPsych.data.get().filter({type: "jnd"}).last(1).values()[0];

      var adjusted_radius = this
    return adjusted_radius; 

   * Initializes the adjusted radius for the first time.
   * @param  converge_from_above {boolean}    
   *         base_radius {double}         
   *         initial_difference {double}
   * @return adjusted_radius {double}          
  initialize_adjusted_statistic(converge_from_above, base_radius, initial_difference) {
    var adjusted_radius;

    if (converge_from_above) {
      adjusted_radius = base_radius + initial_difference;
    } else {
      adjusted_radius = base_radius - initial_difference;

    return adjusted_radius; 

   * Calculates the next adjusted correlation/statistic.
   * @param  correct {boolean}
   *         converge_from_above {boolean}    
   *         adjusted_quantity {double}         
   *         base_correlation {double}
   *         initial_difference {double}
   * @return adjusted_correlation {double}          
  get_next_adjusted_statistic(correct, converge_from_above, adjusted_quantity, base_radius) {
    const CORRECT_STEP_SIZE = 0.002;
    const INCORRECT_STEP_SIZE = 0.006;

    var next_adjusted_statistic;

    var initial_difference = base_radius;

    if (converge_from_above) {
      if (correct) {
        next_adjusted_statistic = adjusted_quantity - CORRECT_STEP_SIZE;
      } else {
        next_adjusted_statistic = adjusted_quantity + INCORRECT_STEP_SIZE;
    } else {
      if (correct) {
        next_adjusted_statistic = adjusted_quantity + CORRECT_STEP_SIZE;
      } else {
        next_adjusted_statistic = adjusted_quantity - INCORRECT_STEP_SIZE;

    return next_adjusted_statistic;

   * Given a JND trial data, determines whether response is 
   * correct or not.
   * @param  data {JsPsych.data}
   * @return {boolean}          
  check_response(data) {

    // For debugging purposes:
    if (data.key_press == jsPsych.pluginAPI.convertKeyCharacterToKeyCode('q')){
      data.correct = -1;
      return -1; 

    let right_area = 0.25*Math.PI*(this.right_radius * this.right_radius);
    let left_area = 0.25*Math.PI*(this.left_radius * this.left_radius);

    if ((right_area > left_area) 
          && data.key_press == jsPsych.pluginAPI.convertKeyCharacterToKeyCode('m') ||
          (left_area > right_area)
          && data.key_press == jsPsych.pluginAPI.convertKeyCharacterToKeyCode('z')){

      data.correct = true;
      return true;
    // Assuming that if base_correlation = adjusted_correlation, at this point 
    // any user choice is wrong.
    else {
      data.correct = false;
      return false;

   * When called, will save individual trial data into a CSV.     
  export_trial_data() {

    var trial_data = jsPsych.data.get().filter({type: 'jnd', run_type: 'test'})
                                       .filterCustom(function(x){ //Don't include the exit trials
                                         return x.correct != -1; 
                                       // JND's trial variables
                                       // These are variables forced on by jsPsych

    // TODO: js converting key_string to use double quotes, needs to be single to pass into ignore() fxn
    // for (var key in jnd_exp.trial_variables){
    //  var key_string = '${key}';
    //  trial_data.ignore(key);
    // }

    var string = "S" + this.subject_id + "_" + this.condition_name + "_jnd_slice_trial_results.csv";

    trial_data.localSave('csv', string);

   * When called, will save aggregated trial data into a CSV.     
  export_summary_data() {

    var data = [];
    // Organize each row of the csv
    for (let i = 0; i<this.sub_conditions_constants.length; i++){
      var row = [this.subject_id, this.subject_initials, this.condition_name];
      var constants = this.sub_conditions_constants[i];
      var condition_data = jsPsych.data.get().filter({type: 'jnd', run_type: 'test', balanced_sub_condition: this.sub_condition_order[i]})
                                             .filterCustom(function(x){ //Don't include the exit trials
                                                return x.correct != -1; 



    // Append each row
      csv += row.join(',');
      csv += "\n";

    var hiddenElement = document.createElement('a');
    hiddenElement.href = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(csv);
    hiddenElement.target = '_blank';
    hiddenElement.download = "S" + this.subject_id + "_" + this.condition_name + "_jnd_slice_summary_results.csv";